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The LGBTI Youth Fund focuses on three areas - promotion of healthy relationships, change of social norms, and empowerment – to ensure LGBTIQ youth can thrive and to create the conditions of change towards an inclusive, equitable and safe society in Switzerland.  
The LGBTI Youth Fund is currently developing its strategy and will share more information once it has been finalised. 

The LGBTI Youth Fund builds partnerships with key stakeholders which focus on meeting the needs of LGBTIQ youth, advancing their rights, preventing all forms
of violence and discrimination against them, promoting healthy relationships, empowering them and that overall help to shift the social norms in Switzerland.
We support a combination of approaches to create the conditions for change.
This includes: ​

  • LGBTIQ youth involvement/youth-led initiatives

  • Service provision and programming

  • Sensitisation and awareness raising

  • Training and skills development

  • Campaigning and strategic communication

  • Community organising

  • Coalition building

  • Pilot, adaptation, and evaluation

  • Research uptake

  • Organisational development and capacity building

The Fund uses the acronym LGBTIQ following experts’ recommendations. The letter “Q” (queer) refers not only to the questioning of binary constructions of sex, gender and sexuality, but also emphasises the diversity and fluidity of affective and sexual orientations as well as gender identities and expressions.


The LGBTI Youth Fund strives to put LGBTIQ youth at the centre of its mission and strategy. To this end, the Fund is piloting a new participatory approach and setting up two LGBTIQ youth groups, one French-speaking and one German-speaking. Young LGBTIQ Italian-speakers can join the group they feel the most comfortable with, we will do our best to facilitate their participation. The two groups will decide on funding for the initiatives of their choice, and youth will have the opportunity to be involved at other levels of the Fund.   More information


The LGBTIQ Youth Fund put youth at the centre of its mission and grant-making.
We strive to pay attention to the safety, protection and well-being of LGBTIQ youth, and to prevent discrimination and violence. 

We are committed to put these principles in practice. This is why the LGBTI Youth Fund has developed its own LGBTIQ child and youth safeguarding policy that applies to the LGBTI Youth Fund team and key stakeholders. We also ask our grantee partners to adhere to the same safeguarding standards that we set for ourselves. 

The LGBTI Youth Fund safeguarding policy includes standards of conduct and behaviour, provide a clear overview of what is acceptable and not, and give instructions in cases of concerns/violations. 


Mandated by the the LGBTIQ Youth Fund, the Swiss LGBTIQ+ Panel conducted a mapping of the organisations, key actors, policies, and projects that aim to respond to the needs and promote the rights of LGBTIQ+ youth in Switzerland. The mapping provides an overview of the range of available supports and services while highlighting the disparities between cantons. It also includes general recommendations regarding particularly marked gaps or challenges to be addressed in the coming years to promote social change toward an inclusive, equitable, and safe society for all youth in Switzerland.

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